Exterior Sump Pump Installation by Lee Engineering

Excess water accumulation caused by heavy rainfall and inadequate drainage can cause costly damage to your home and property in a matter of minutes! Most drainage solutions rely on gravity to transport water. However, in some circumstances, it may be necessary to “crank up the power” to remove unwanted water fast. Keep reading for more information on how we install exterior sump pumps to tackle some of the most intimidating landscape drainage problems in North Texas.

When to Utilize an Exterior Sump Pump

Exterior sump pumps and tanks are often utilized in landscape drainage solutions to divert excess water to the desired discharge location. It becomes necessary to install an outdoor/exterior sump pump when an area of lower elevation is unavailable.

At Lee Engineering, we typically implement exterior sump pumps under the following circumstances:

  • When subsurface water (groundwater) is trapped in the subsoils and adequate elevation cannot be achieved
  • If surface water is pooling and adequate elevation cannot be achieved

Lee Engineering vs. “Chuck with a Truck”

Most landscapers use sump tanks purchased at local building supply stores such as Home Depot, Lowes, or ACE Hardware. Unfortunately, sump tanks purchased from retail chains are low horsepower, come in a standard size (about 36 to 40-inches deep), and are limited in capacity (about 30 to 50-gallons max). Landscapers also tend to use undersized sump pumps connected to a discharge point with flexible piping, both of which are prone to failure. We often observe sump pumps that have been improperly installed by landscape crews. For example, a sump pump plugged into an outlet, which may not be GFCI, putting the home and system at risk.

How Lee Engineering Chooses the Right Sump Pump

Since 1971, Lee Engineering installs custom drainage solutions designed to withstand the test of time. When selecting the appropriate sump pump for each project, we use calculations to measure expected water volume and accommodate for high-flow periods. Then, we determine which pump and tank combination will be able to handle the demand. Remember, for the sump pump to perform as designed, the pump must transport water out of the sump tank (basin) faster than water flows into it.

Proper Sump Pump Sizing

At Lee Engineering, most of the sump tanks that we install range from 6 to 8-feet deep with a minimum diameter of 18-inches. The sump pumps used in Lee Engineering drainage solutions are 4 to 10HP with a 2-inch discharge, depending on the volume of water that needs to be transported to the discharge point.

Lee Engineering Sump Tanks and Pumps

Our sump tanks have a concrete bottom so the pump can rest securely on a solid surface. This feature also allows for easy cleaning and maintenance, thus prolonging the life of your sump pump. Depending on the unique job requirements, we can install exposed or fully buried sump tanks.

The most important difference between Lee Engineering sump pumps and sump pumps installed by landscapers is this…ALL Lee Engineering sump pumps are either hard-wired to the electrical hose panel or hard-wired to a GFCI plug to prevent electrocution, fires, and failures.



There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all sump pump/tank combo. Don’t pay good money for shotty work that puts you, your family, and your investment at risk.

Not sure which drainage solution will work best for your property? Contact our office at 817-277-6022 today to schedule a consultation with one of our drainage experts.

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